Thursday Feb 16, 2023
50. Celebrate Accomplishments
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
50. Celebrate Accomplishments
Welcome to episode number 50!! It really seems like just yesterday that I started this podcast and here we are at number 50! I thought this might be a great time to talk about celebrating accomplishments. This was not easy for me to do in my past, and I wondered if it could be a challenge for you too. So, today’s episode is going to focus on some reasons why you may hold yourself back from doing more celebrating of your accomplishments but also to share a few big ones of my own that I am excited to share with you!
In this episode:
Holding back on sharing accomplishments is tied to impostor syndrome.
Examples where this happened to Sue in her own career.
How do you define success for yourself?
The role of internal vs external validation when sharing your results.
Sue shared examples of her own accomplishments since starting her business.
Sharing accomplishments isn’t bragging! It is a way to talk about what you have done with confidence and joy so others can join in on your excitement too!
Three visibility actions that you can do today to capture the great things that you do every day and reward yourself!
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
49. Overcoming the Impostor (with Kris Kelso)
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
49. Overcoming the Impostor (with Kris Kelso)
Kris Kelso is a two-time entrepreneur, a Professional Certified Coach, an author, and a mentor to leaders around the world. He is a faculty instructor at the Professional Christian Coaching Institute, an advisor and instructor at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center, and is a contributing writer for Fast Company Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and The Nashville Business Journal. Kris has unusually specific willpower, having not eaten a single donut in the past 17 years.
In this episode:
Kris shared why he wrote this book on Impostor Syndrome and what he hopes it will do for the reader.
Kris traveled all over the world to gather research and stories for the book. He shared a few impactful examples where impostor syndrome played a key role.
We talked about whether there is really any truth to the fact that impostor syndrome only affects women.
He shared his own experience with impostor syndrome in his career.
He shared the situations that he can see with some of the companies and clients he has and how he can spot if they are supportive of those who may suffer from impostor syndrome.
The role that self-sabotage can have on your career because of impostor syndrome.
He offers a free download of the one of the best chapters of his book on his website.
The book that Kris recommendeds is:
DIY Brain by Dr. Roger Hall
Here's how to connect with Kris:
Kris Kelso on LinkedIn (ln/kriskeslo)
Kris Kelso on Instagram (@kriskelso)
Kris Kelso on Facebook (@thekriskelso)
Kris Kelso on Twitter (@kriskelso)
Overcoming the Impostor group on Facebook
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
The Choose Your Life Challenge at https://www.theoppositeofsmalltalk.com/challenge
Use the promo code - Challenge4 for a 20% discount to the program and live a more intentional life!
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
48. Could Your Job Loss Be An Opportunity? (with Laura Browne)
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
48. Could Your Job Loss Be An Opportunity? (with Laura Browne)
Laura Browne is a corporate trainer, author, speaker, and certified business coach with more than 20 years of experience in global human resources and management development. Laura spent 9 years delivering coaching and training to high potential female leaders from Fortune 100 companies through WOMEN Unlimited. She’s written for Forbes and has been quoted as a business expert in major publications including Cosmopolitan, Family Circle magazine, and USA Weekend. Laura is the author of 10 books including Why Can’t You Communicate Like Me? How Smart Women Get Results At Work, Increase Your Income – 7 Rules for Women Who Want To Make More Money at Work and Help! My Company Swiped Left!
In this episode:
Laura shared her own job loss experiences and what she learned from them.
She shared how job loss can help you pivot into something new for yourself and set you on a new path.
Many people may feel ashamed and as Laura describes it, “hide like an armadillo.” Laura shares her three-part model to work through the job loss.
Job loss is sometimes compared to grief. She shares her three-part model that is referred to in the book and used with her clients to work through the job loss process.
Laura built a course on the Udemy platform that is free for anyone to take to help them through their job loss situation. See the link below.
To connect with Laura, buy her book and check out her course:
Laura Browne's Online Udemy Course
Link to Order Help! My Company Swiped Left by Laura Browne
Career Tips for Women on Facebook
Laura Browne on LinkedIn (ln/laurabrowne)
Laura’s previous appearance on The Visibility Factor Podcast:
Episode 7 of The Visibility Factor - How to Get a Raise
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
The Choose Your Life Challenge at https://www.theoppositeofsmalltalk.com/challenge
Use the promo code - Challenge4 for a 20% discount to the program and live a more intentional life!
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
47. Visibility for Your Job Search (with Polly Rowland)
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
47. Visibility for Your Job Search (with Polly Rowland)
With over three decades of experience in the Consumer-Packaged Goods industry, Polly has honed her leadership skills and made significant contributions to multiple companies. As a coach and mentor, Polly founded CPG Mentor to fill a gap in support for women in her industry. Her individualized approach sets her apart from other programs, as she walks alongside her clients on their journey to growth.
Polly has a proven process in helping people advance their career through job search. She coaches and mentors clients to help them define their career goals and aspirations and then provide guidance on how to achieve them. She works with clients to identify their strengths and areas for improvement in the job search process. The job search process can be challenging and overwhelming, it's difficult to know how to effectively network, present yourself and build a personal brand that stands out to potential employers. Her approach is highly personalized, tailored to each individual's specific needs and goals, and her clients report significant improvements in their job search success as a result of working with her.
In this episode:
Her experience in Consumer-Packaged Goods companies and as a coach for career transition.
How to maintain your visibility in your job search.
The three shifts that need to occur after a job loss to find your next role.
3 tips to get off to a fast start when searching for your next role.
The importance of networking vs applying to roles online.
How her job listings email has evolved and how people can use it.
How you should think about the way you answer questions in an interview.
Polly's Book Recommendation is:
Self-Coaching 101 by Brooke Castillo
To connect with Polly and sign up for her job listings email:
Sign up for Polly's job postings Email
Schedule a virtual meeting with Polly
Polly Rowland on LinkedIn (in/PollyRowland)
Reach out to Polly via Email
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
The Choose Your Life Challenge at https://www.theoppositeofsmalltalk.com/challenge
Use the promo code - Challenge4 for a 20% discount to the program and live a more intentional life!
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
46. Visibility for Introverts
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
46. Visibility for Introverts
This episode is for the introverts out there in companies who want visibility, but don’t know how to get it for themselves. Introverts see the extroverts out in the world who love to speak up and enjoy the limelight and wonder how they can compete with that?
In this episode:
When did extroverts and introverts first become types that were identified?
My belief was that the world is made up of extroverts and they are the ones who are successful. I used to wonder if "I could be a successful leader, even though I am an introvert?”
Assumptions that introverted leaders aren’t as strong as extroverted leaders. But introverts are stronger listeners, more empathetic and introspective. They may not the loudest one in the room, but they can still get their point across when they do speak.
Ways that introverts can be successful are reviewed and how they can complement extroverts.
Client case study on how she was impacted by being an introvert and what she learned.
Networking steps for introverts that help you be confident and ideas on how to do it.
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
The Choose Your Life Challenge at https://www.theoppositeofsmalltalk.com/challenge
Use the promo code - Challenge4 for a 20% discount to the program and live a more intentional life!
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
45. Creating More Freedom (with Valincia Bennett)
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
45. Creating More Freedom (with Valincia Bennett)
In today’s episode I interview Valincia Bennett. She is a former corporate healthcare leader and now she is a business coach and strategist. She helps coaches simplify their systems & strategies so it’s easy to achieve consistent $10K+ months.
In this episode:
Valincia talked about her transition from corporate into being an entrepreneur for not only one business, but three very different businesses.
She realized pretty quickly that although she wanted to focus on a business advising model in her business, it was burning her out and she would need to make changes to support the 4 key things that she wanted in her life.
The importance of being able to experiment and make mistakes has helped her learn what works or doesn’t work and make changes quickly.
We talked about the importance of self-care and how she helps her clients focus on that too.
She and her husband have created both time and financial freedom for themselves and she is teaching others how to do it too.
She had never been on social media, but went all in to be vulnerable and share what was happening for her in her business which helped new followers relate to her.
Her new coaching program - The Savvy Success Formula is for coaches who are in years 1-5 of their business journey. She helps them design the business that they want using her 5-step process.
Reach out to Valincia here:
Valincia Bennett on LinkedIn (ln/valincia-bennett-business-strategist)
The book that Valincia recommends is:
$100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
The Choose Your Life Challenge at https://www.theoppositeofsmalltalk.com/challenge
Use the promo code - Challenge4 for a 20% discount to the program and live a more intentional life!
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
44. Design Your 2023 Plan
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
44. Design Your 2023 Plan
Welcome to 2023!! Hope you had a Happy New Year!
Today’s episode is focused on 2023 and creating a plan that supports your career, your life and your visibility.
In this episode:
I referred to Episode 43 - Create Your Vision of Success with Nathalie Pincham where she talked about the importance of doing the inner work to achieve the success that you want in your life.
The importance of reflection when creating a plan like this. The plan should incorporate your values, priorities with a focus on your career and your life.
The first part of the plan is looking at your career, your values and priorities. Are they aligned? If not what needs to change?
Each and every day you have a choice to make on what you do with your time using an analogy of money. Unfortunately, many people spend their time on low value things because it's more in their comfort zone and it's easier. But it isn't actually moving their goals and plans forward.
Now Let's look at your life. Do you have dreams that you haven't focused on or things that you want to do in your life that you keep putting off? I share a story of a client who wants to create a life that has more freedom in it for traveling and spending time with family.
We only have so much time to live our lives. What you are doing each day that is helping you get to where you want to go. Is there anything that needs to change?
Shared my experience of designing a created life and some examples of what that could look like for you.
Here is a link to the previous episode mentioned in the podcast:
The Visibility Factor Episode 41: Communicating with Impact
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
The Choose Your Life Challenge at https://www.theoppositeofsmalltalk.com/challenge
Use the promo code - Challenge4 for a 20% discount to the program and live a more intentional life!
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
43. Create Your Vision of Success (with Nathalie Pincham)
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
43. Create Your Vision of Success (with Nathalie Pincham)
Nathalie Pincham is a Success Coach and messaging and business strategist. She is also the host of The "Your Success Tonic" podcast. Nathalie helps driven entrepreneurs and executives work less and achieve more so they can experience meaningful success and avoid burnout. Through her experience of being coached and becoming a Certified Professional Coach, she learned the tools she needed to switch from burnout and overwork to enjoying more freedom and confidence.
In this episode:
Nathalie shared her story of how she began to focus on success
She talked about some of her own experiences with overwhelm and burnout
She shared some of the tools that she has used to move from burnout, overwhelm to freedom and confidence
We talked about the importance of knowing your values and understanding those for yourself
Nathalie has created a program called “Your Success” which is described as something for people with online businesses industry who focus on a hustle-first, inner work later approach. She shared how that program has been impactful for her clients and how you can try some similar steps for yourself whether you are an entrepreneur or not.
She also shared some insights about her new podcast called “Your Success Tonic” which she has recently started to help executives and entrepreneurs create their own success.
Here are a few links to connect and learn more about Nathalie:
Nathalie on LInkedIn (in/Nathalie-Pincham)
Nathalie's book recommendation is:
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
The Choose Your Life Challenge at https://www.theoppositeofsmalltalk.com/challenge
Use the promo code - Challenge4 for a 20% discount to the program and live a more intentional life!
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
42. Creating Agreements vs. Expectations
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
42. Creating Agreements vs. Expectations
Today’s episode is focused on creating agreements versus expectations when it comes to communication. I talked about ways to open up communication in episode 41 called Communicating with Impact. One of the options to open up communication in that episode was creating agreements vs expectations. (I will attach the link in the notes.) I wanted to share more about that with you here today.
In this episode:
86% of employees and executives blame the lack of effective collaboration and communication as the leading causes for errors in the workplace. A review of the top reasons communication doesn’t happen in the workplace.
The high percentage of people impacted by the stress and anxiety caused by unclear communication and how to address it.
How new messaging platforms like Slack and Teams can impact communication – there are positives and negatives.
The step-by-step process of how to create agreements vs expectations in a better way and make it effective and productive for you and your team.
The importance of understanding someone else’s experience when communicating.
Happy Holidays to everyone! Thank you for supporting the podcast! :)
Here is a link to the previous episode mentioned in the podcast:
The Visibility Factor Episode 41: Communicating with Impact
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
The Choose Your Life Challenge at https://www.theoppositeofsmalltalk.com/challenge
Use the promo code - Challenge4 for a 20% discount to the program and live a more intentional life!
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
41. Communicating with Impact
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
41. Communicating with Impact
Today’s episode is focused on communication. Think about your own communication and maybe where it’s working well for you and where it isn’t. You can open up communication and maintain a more neutral way of dealing with negativity or stress by first understanding how to handle it. It’s important to note that not everything will be solved with one conversation. Not everything is going to work for you. Through practice and time, you can achieve better results and be a stronger leader by rewiring your brain.
In this episode:
Take a break
The story I am telling myself is…
Assuming the best of others
Be Curious
Agreements vs. Expectations
Today’s episode is sponsored by:
The Choose Your Life Challenge at https://www.theoppositeofsmalltalk.com/challenge
Use the promo code - Challenge4 for a 20% discount to the program and live a more intentional life!
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
It’s Time to Raise Your Visibility:
Welcome to the Visibility Factor podcast with Susan M. Barber – a show where business leaders and anyone seeking ways to raise their visibility can come to learn how to take action in their own authentic way. It’s time to raise your visibility, amplify your voice and be the confident leader you were meant to be.
Each week, author, former fortune 500 IT Director turned executive coach, Susan M. Barber will bring you inspiring guests, coaching, tips and tools to empower you to take action so that you can elevate your career and gain new opportunities.
Topics about visibility, authenticity, confidence, leadership, impostor syndrome, and career transition will be discussed each week with guests who are amazing leaders and are doing great things in the world. There are so many possibilities to do more than you think you can, so trust yourself and let’s take this visibility journey together!