Thursday Feb 01, 2024
100. Celebrating the 100th Episode
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
100. Celebrating the 100th Episode
Today we are focused on celebrating the 100th episode of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
In this episode:
Behind the scenes of how the podcast came to life in the span of a week!
Milestone facts about the show!
Lessons learned since the show went live.
The Top 10 Episodes of the show!
A few great reviews of the show are shared.
Descriptions from my guests on what they think visibility means to them.
Gratitude to everyone who was a guest, to the listeners and the Sheep Jam team!
The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the Amplify You Program.
Do you have limiting beliefs that are holding you back from the success that you want for you career and your life?
This 12-month program is a powerful experience that Amplify You is a unique program that will help you learn how to articulate your value and demonstrate the talent that you have so you get the opportunities you deserve!
Become a leader who uses your voice, makes an impact and has the career you deserve!
If you are interested in learning more visit: https://susanmbarber.com/programs/
If you are interested in learning more, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
99. Nuances of Leadership
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
99. Nuances of Leadership
Today’s episode is focused on the nuances of leadership. There are foundational concepts in leadership that you can learn in a class, but then there is the real-world application of leadership that you need to manage. Situations that don’t happen very often will occur. They can be extremely impactful and need to be addressed or have bigger ramifications. It takes courage and the ability to admit when you are wrong. It means you have to own what happens even if you personally had nothing to do with it, but you own the team, and a mistake was made. Visibility happens in good moments, but it can also be important to be visible in the best way during challenging moments too.
In this episode:
The foundational skills of leadership vs the reality.
Leading a team seems straightforward at first...
Internal vs external team members need to be led differently.
Handling difficult situations when things don’t go well.
Getting comfortable saying “I don’t know.”
Taking a coaching approach with your team.
Preparing your team for their next leadership opportunity.
The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the 90-day Visibility Breakthrough Accelerator program.
Do you believe deep down inside that you can have a bigger career, but you don’t know how to get there?
This 90-day program is a powerful experience that is unique to you and provides dedicated time to focus on your specific challenge. This dedicated time will help you see new possibilities, recognize your strengths, and take away key insights that can be leveraged immediately. Are you ready to create a breakthrough for yourself?
If you are interested in learning more, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
98. Reframing Your Limiting Beliefs
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
98. Reframing Your Limiting Beliefs
Today’s episode is focused on reframing the way that we think about limiting beliefs. You most likely reframe your thoughts throughout your day without even realizing it. Reframing happens when someone shares a new perspective with you, shares some new information that you weren’t aware of or you learn something new on your own. Once you know this, you think differently, and you believe that limiting thought. Although it keeps you safe, you can’t be visible. You can’t have the career that you want…you stay stuck.
In this episode:
Using a simple example to describe how reframing can work.
How our thoughts repeat the same things and based on limiting beliefs that can limit our progress.
What limiting beliefs are and how to overcome them.
The most common top 10 limiting beliefs that come from our fear.
The role coaching plays in helping clients move past their limiting beliefs.
How you can work on shifting your limiting beliefs for yourself.
Reframing your negative self-talk and increasing your self-awareness.
Leading others who have limiting beliefs to help them.
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:
"The Impact of Limiting Beliefs" by Alissa Finerman
"10 limiting beliefs and how to overcome them" by Team Asana
The Visibility Factor Episode 97: Unlocking Your Patterns
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
97. Unlocking Your Patterns
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
97. Unlocking Your Patterns
Today’s episode is going to focus on patterns. As a coach, I am always keeping a watch out for clients who have patterns of behavior that are unconscious for them. Clients may do something at work and have no idea that they are doing that same thing at home. These patterns operate automatically until someone points it out or you realize that you are doing it. I wanted to dive in on this topic and bring it back to how it ties to visibility for you.
In this episode:
What is the difference between habits and patterns?
What is the connection between habits, patterns and beliefs?
Examples of behavioral patterns and where they can come from.
Your brain is protecting you and keeping you safe.
Self-awareness is the key to breaking your habits.
Examples of workplace patterns that you may encounter.
Interrupting your patterns to create a new set of beliefs and thoughts that serve you.
Addressing a pattern in one way, doesn’t mean that it won’t show back up again in a different way.
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:
"Is Habit a Synonym for Pattern?" By Laurent Thoeberigs
"Patterns and Habits: Ruling Your Life" by Amanda Gore
The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the 90-day Visibility Breakthrough Accelerator program.
Do you believe deep down inside that you can have a bigger career, but you don’t know how to get there?
This 90-day program is a powerful experience that is unique to you and provides dedicated time to focus on your specific challenge. This dedicated time will help you see new possibilities, recognize your strengths, and take away key insights that can be leveraged immediately. Are you ready to create a breakthrough for yourself?
If you are interested in learning more, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
96. Designing your 2024
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
96. Designing your 2024
Welcome to 2024! Happy New Year! Today’s episode is going to focus on what you want out of 2024. If you haven’t listened to episode 95 (Looking Back at 2023) you might want to do that for some ideas on how to reflect on your 2023 before deciding what you want to do in your 2024! Let’s just focus on some ways to help you design the 2024 that is what you want and will bring you joy. Start with the basics: Do you know your values, priorities and potential goals that you want to accomplish?
In this episode:
Creating a great 2024 for you.
Start with the basics: Do you know your values, priorities and potential goals that you want to accomplish?
What are your values?
Why having clarity around your values is important.
Big questions to help you define your goals for 2024.
What would you like to have for your word or theme for the year?
Questions to reflect for yourself (and potentially including your family) what you want to create in 2024.
Come up with a few goals and identify one simple action step for each one.
The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the 90-day Visibility Breakthrough Accelerator program.
Do you believe deep down inside that you can have a bigger career, but you don’t know how to get there?
This 90-day program is a powerful experience that is unique to you and provides dedicated time to focus on your specific challenge. This dedicated time will help you see new possibilities, recognize your strengths, and take away key insights that can be leveraged immediately. Are you ready to create a breakthrough for yourself?
If you are interested in learning more, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
95. Looking Back on 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
95. Looking Back on 2023
I can’t believe that we are at the end of 2023! This year has been so interesting for me. I want to share a little bit about how this year began, what happened and what I learned.
In this episode:
The New Years Eve reflection experience.
Choosing a word or a theme for the year.
How my choice of words showed up in my year.
Lessons learned throughout the year.
What I did to reflect and build in more clarity for myself throughout the year.
Creating a Dream Life – Be, Do and Have.
When the Student is ready, the Teacher appears.
What did you accomplish in 2023 and what do you want to focus on in 2024?
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:
Episode 5 - Leverage Your Creativity
Episode 28 - Reconnect With Your Creativity (with Susie deVille)
The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the 90-day Visibility Breakthrough Accelerator program.
Do you believe deep down inside that you can have a bigger career, but you don’t know how to get there?
This 90-day program is a powerful experience that is unique to you and provides dedicated time to focus on your specific challenge. This dedicated time will help you see new possibilities, recognize your strengths, and take away key insights that can be leveraged immediately. Are you ready to create a breakthrough for yourself?
If you are interested in learning more, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
94. Comparison of Bragging vs Visibility
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
94. Comparison of Bragging vs Visibility
Today’s show is about the differences between bragging vs visibility. Bragging is defined as a pompous or boastful statement, arrogant talk or manner by someone. Bragging in the workplace often involves an inflated sense of self-importance and a desire to diminish the contributions of others. Authentic visibility, however, celebrates achievements while acknowledging the contributions of colleagues and expressing gratitude for opportunities and support. Being authentic and sharing information is easier than you think and would never be seen as bragging.
In this episode:
How are bragging and visibility different by definition.
Bragging isn’t the only way to get visibility for yourself and your team.
Sharing what you do in a way that works for your style.
The importance of having a plan of what you will share with others.
How I thought about creating visibility to market The Visibility Factor book.
Examples of how to say things in an authentic visible way vs a bragging way.
Using the POSE formula to prepare your story to share with others.
The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the 90-day Visibility Breakthrough Accelerator program.
Do you believe deep down inside that you can have a bigger career, but you don’t know how to get there?
This 90-day program is a powerful experience that is unique to you and provides dedicated time to focus on your specific challenge. This dedicated time will help you see new possibilities, recognize your strengths, and take away key insights that can be leveraged immediately. Are you ready to create a breakthrough for yourself?
If you are interested in learning more, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
93. Leading With Authenticity
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
93. Leading With Authenticity
Today’s show is about leading with authenticity. Being authentic is a major focus in The Visibility Factor book and it is an important value for me. Authentic Leadership comes through when you are transparent about things, have high self-awareness, care about those around you and you can be yourself. It is so much easier to be yourself than to spend your time trying to be somebody else. Creating a leadership brand that is authentic to you and who you want to be requires vulnerability to be able to show up in a genuine way. It allows you to focus on your authentic self, build trust and create stronger relationships with your team and others in the organization. How do you know whether you are being authentic or not? How do you decide if someone you are talking to is authentic? We will be discussing this and more in today’s show!
In this episode:
How is authenticity defined?
What are the characteristics of being authentic vs inauthentic?
What it means to be truly authentic.
A case study of a newer leader who wasn’t being authentic with his team.
The impacts of not being authentic.
Practice being authentic with every interaction that you have.
Creating your own authentic leadership brand.
How to evaluate your own authenticity to make changes if needed.
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:
What It Means to Be Truly Authentic | Psychology Today
The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the 90-day Visibility Breakthrough Accelerator program.
Do you believe deep down inside that you can have a bigger career, but you don’t know how to get there?
This 90-day program is a powerful experience that is unique to you and provides dedicated time to focus on your specific challenge. This dedicated time will help you see new possibilities, recognize your strengths, and take away key insights that can be leveraged immediately. Are you ready to create a breakthrough for yourself?
If you are interested in learning more, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
92. The Power of Storytelling (with Merri Beckfield)
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
92. The Power of Storytelling (with Merri Beckfield)
Merri is a technophile by day, and a professor by night. The fusion of her dual careers gives her a unique blend of real-world technology experience and a strong foundation in academia. She has spent years honing her expertise in business intelligence and data management working for the majority of her career in the consumer goods industry for Fortune 500 companies. She is currently teaching both graduate and undergraduate courses at DePaul University. She is a firm believer that knowledge is power and is committed to empowering the next generation of tech leaders with the skills they need to excel.
In this episode:
Merri shared her favorite definition of ‘Storytelling’.
Why it is important for professionals to use storytelling with their teams.
How storytelling can impact visibility.
We talked about the ways that storytelling can increase personal brand building.
Real-life examples of successful professionals who effectively used storytelling.
The role of emotion and authenticity in storytelling.
Ideas for what to include in a story to make it effective.
Ways to use storytelling to be more effective on the job.
Three tips to get started with using more stories in your conversations.
Information on Merri:
Merri Beckfield on LinkedIn: (in/merri-beckfield)
This is the Ted Talk that Merri mentions in the episode: Jack Levis: The hardest step in innovation? Looking foolish in front of the crowd
The Book that Merri Recommends:
Its How We Play the Game by Ed Stack
The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the 90-day Visibility Breakthrough Accelerator program.
Do you believe deep down inside that you can have a bigger career, but you don’t know how to get there?
This 90-day program is a powerful experience that is unique to you and provides dedicated time to focus on your specific challenge. This dedicated time will help you see new possibilities, recognize your strengths, and take away key insights that can be leveraged immediately. Are you ready to create a breakthrough for yourself?
If you are interested in learning more, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com.
You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
91. Building Your Visibility Through Relationships
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
91. Building Your Visibility Through Relationships
Today’s show is about taking the opportunity to build relationships with peers, influencers, your management, and other people in your life. It is a chance to show your value to others which helps you to be recommended for new roles or thought of for opportunities. In these conversations, it is about finding ways to add value to the other person. Make it a win-win. Listen for a way that you can help them. You can offer to help them in various ways that are easy to do. Focus on just being in the moment, and enjoy spending time with people. Go into conversations with curiosity, and be open to being authentic and genuine. That is what helps you build the relationships that people remember so that you stand out from the crowd.
In this episode:
Are you spending time building relationships or being too busy?
Is there an opportunity for you to connect in person at a work event?
Have you spent time reconnecting with people in your network?
Leverage technology where it can benefit having a conversation.
What value could you add to someone that you meet with?
What relationships can you build both inside and outside of work?
When you think about situations where someone helped you, what do you remember?
Take the time to be intentional and be ready to speak with someone new when you get the chance.
What could it mean for your visibility if you reconnected with people your network and had conversations with new connections?
The Visibility Factor Podcast is brought to you in part by the 90-day Visibility Breakthrough Accelerator program.
Do you believe deep down inside that you can have a bigger career, but you don’t know how to get there?
This 90-day program is a powerful experience that is unique to you and provides dedicated time to focus on your specific challenge. This dedicated time will help you see new possibilities, recognize your strengths, and take away key insights that can be leveraged immediately. Are you ready to create a breakthrough for yourself?
If you are interested in learning more, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Visibility Factor Podcast
Check out my website to order my book and view the videos/resources for The Visibility Factor book.
As always, I encourage you to reach out! You can email me at hello@susanmbarber.com. You can also find me on social media everywhere – Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course on The Visibility Factor Podcast! I look forward to connecting with you!
If you liked The Visibility Factor, I would be so grateful if you could subscribe and rate it where you listen to podcasts! It helps the podcast get in front of more people who can learn how to be visible too!
Thank you to the team at Sheep Jam Productions for the amazing support of The Visibility Factor Podcast!
It’s Time to Raise Your Visibility:
Welcome to the Visibility Factor podcast with Susan M. Barber – a show where business leaders and anyone seeking ways to raise their visibility can come to learn how to take action in their own authentic way. It’s time to raise your visibility, amplify your voice and be the confident leader you were meant to be.
Each week, author, former fortune 500 IT Director turned executive coach, Susan M. Barber will bring you inspiring guests, coaching, tips and tools to empower you to take action so that you can elevate your career and gain new opportunities.
Topics about visibility, authenticity, confidence, leadership, impostor syndrome, and career transition will be discussed each week with guests who are amazing leaders and are doing great things in the world. There are so many possibilities to do more than you think you can, so trust yourself and let’s take this visibility journey together!